The WWF's strategy for the
capacity building in the Italian parks

Networks in the area
Therefore, a steady point in the WWF’s activities in the park areas was the creation of networks in the area which could bring together public and private subjects to create synergies which could overcome the conflicts and allow the creation of collaboration and of new opportunities; in this way, the economical resources can be used in the best manner and the social, environmental and cultural patterns of the area may be enhanced.
Therefore, the projects elaborated need a horizontal collaboration, where similar subjects pursue common objectives on a wide area and, at the same time, a vertical collaboration. In the second case, different economical stakeholders collaborate, in the same area, for the implementation of common objectives, creating a network of public and private subjects working together in the same area to identify, develop and implement a project-idea. More generally, the collaboration between subjects is guaranteed by the method itself, for it is elaborated by the WWF and is based upon a wider participation of subjects starting from the study stage of the project. It is worthwhile stressing how the experimentation of methods to encourage the attitude towards collaboration is crucial to spread the experience in other areas in Southern Italy.


Gennargentu N.P.:
milking sheel



Therefore, the working method developed by the WWF during the last few years in the protected areas foresees that the initiatives and projects identified must not only be compatible with the environment, but they must also be based on the enhancement of natural and cultural resources of the area, including the local material culture; therefore, they must be based essentially on the mobilization and use of social energies within the communities. In many cases, the schools have represented a fundamental starting point to enter the societies and let people know the objectives of the projects proposed by the WWF. For example, the CADISPA project involved school children, their families and their teachers in the activities aimed at re-discovering and enhancing their area. This first stage allowed to mobilize the local population on the subjects of sustainable development and meet representatives of cooperatives, of public authorities and of associations who are the main stakeholders in local development. Moreover, the analysis of the area was carried out with them and starting from the needs of the area, coming out in that stage of the analysis, a set of representative pilot-experiences were designed and implemented.


Cilento N.P.:
olive picking

The participatory method elaborated by the WWF foresees:

  • Activity planning;
  • Design of a public awareness/ animation stage;
  • Identification of local resources to be involved;
  • Identification of projects or programs;
  • Development of competencies of the local development stakeholders;
  • Implementation of pilot-projects.

The success of the interventions so far implemented by the WWF in the park areas is due to:

  • The experience acquired during the years in particularly difficult Italian areas;
  • The elaboration of a participatory method now consolidated;
  • The presence in the area of WWF’s development animators with an adequate training;
  • The collaboration with technical partners with high quality capabilities;
  • The presence in Italian, European and world-wide networks allowing the exchange of experiences and collaborations;
  • The capacity building activity foresees on-the-job training, the constant presence of tutors, the exchange of experiences.
Gennargentu N.P.:
cheese making

In the last few years, the WWF-Italy created various important experiences of sustainable development in the protected areas:

  • CADISPA (Conservation and Development in Sparsely Populated Areas) Program;
  • Project Master for Innovative Environmental Entrepreneurship and Management implemented by the WWF in 1996 in collaboration with the "young entrepreneurship society";
  • EU initiative ADAPT: Protected Areas: the environment, from restriction to development opportunity;
  • Program Leonardo: New competencies for the development of sustainable tourism in the park areas;
  • Project PASS (Public Administration for Southern Italy Development);
  • Wild School training for the management of protected areas outside the Europe;
  • Sustainable development initiatives linked to WWF Italy protected areas.
The WWF's strategy (1 of 2) The WWF's strategy